- My full name is Nayla Milena Galeano
- I am 24 years old.
- I was born in Argentina
- I moved to USA when I was 12 years old
- I have a baby boy named Enzo Galeano.
- I got married at 21.
- I would do anything for my son.
- I always wanted to marry young.
- I am a full time student.
- Dancing has always been my passion.
- Although I am a psychology major, there are millions of things I want to do & accomplish.
- God blesses me everyday.
- I find joy in the simple things.
- I love New York City
- I am a HUGE soccer fan.
- I lived in three different countries.
- I moved 21 times.
- I am 1 of 5
- I love fashion and make-up
- I am a food lover
- Sundays are family day.
- I love photography.
- I drink mate everyday, all day.
- I love traveling.
- I love making new friends.
Monday, August 26, 2013
25 facts about me.
Monday, August 19, 2013
First 3 months of life: 7 super helpful items!
Hello Ladies!
I feel the need to share with all the new moms and moms-to-be, 7 items I found very useful for the first 3 months of my baby's life. It would be ideal to ask for these things as a gift in your baby shower if you will have one, since they are all a little expensive.

I feel the need to share with all the new moms and moms-to-be, 7 items I found very useful for the first 3 months of my baby's life. It would be ideal to ask for these things as a gift in your baby shower if you will have one, since they are all a little expensive.
My baby
Enzo Galeano born April 27, 2013.
7 pounds, 19 inches.
1. Boppy Pillow: $29.99 + cover: $10.99
If you plan on breastfeeding, the Boppy Pillow is going to be very helpful. I took the Boppy Pillow to the hospital and I used as soon as Enzo was born, it makes the whole breast feeding experience that much more comfortable for you and your baby.
2. Car seat & stroller: $399.99
These two items are a must. In fact, you will not be able to leave the hospital unless you have a car seat. I personalty chose the Britax B-Agile & B-Safe Travel System and although I like it, I must admit it is a little expensive compare to other travel systems and not very practical. (I will do a review on YouTube soon).
Tips for when picking a stroller:
- Learn how much the stroller weights. This is very important for us moms because we need to make sure that when "dads or boyfriends" are not around we will be able to lift them up and put them in and out of our cars. (Britax stroller is very light and simple to fold which is one of the main reasons why we bought it).
- Make sure you know what the stroller system includes. For example, things such as stroller organizer and child tray. (Britax stroller does not include these)

3. Fisher-Price Swing: $139.99
This swing is a life saver!!! I happened to pick this swing by chance and it ended up being amazing! Enzo is now 3 months and a half and he is still sleeping on it. I have a few friends who also have newborns and they love this swing. However, I advice you to use the swing during the day and NOT at night. If your baby gets used to the swing, it will be very hard to get him/her used to sleeping anywhere else.
4. Carter's Classic Comfort Wood Bassinet: $139.98
Although many of us new moms obsess over having the nursery ready before our baby arrives, it is very unlikely that they will sleep there the first few months. As I mentioned before my baby is 3 months and he sleeps in the bassinet next to our bed since day one. The bassinet is a good option because it allows you to have him/her closer to you and at the same time it makes them feel safer than sleeping on a bigger more specious place.
5. Diaper Bag: starting at $20.00
I do not have an specific diaper bag to recommend but there are a few things I find important when picking a bag. (1) Make sure it has long straps which allows you to hang the diaper bag on the stroller and be able to carry it more comfortably. (2) Pick a bag that is a lot of pockets inside and out, this would make it easier for you to have everything organized.
6. Baby Gym: $50 - $70
I started using the baby gym as soon as my son turned 2 months, he loved laying on it and looking at the toys and listening to the music. Now that he is 3 months and a half, he enjoys kicking (the piano) and graving the hanging toys. I chose the Fisher-Price Discover 'N Grow Kick and Play Piano Gym, which has 3 ways your baby can play... Laying down, tummy time, and sit and play.
7. Bottle Feeding: Pack of 3 for $13.99 (Babies R us)
If you are planning on bottle feeding, I would recommend you use Playtex BPA Ventaire Advanced Nursers (small nipple). PlayTex has two different bottles that come with either small or wide nipples. I actually bought both kinds and I realized that the bottle with the small nipple was the best for my baby. I could tell that it was very comfortable for him since the nipple fits perfectly in his mouth AND even better...it never made him gassy.
NOTE: Make sure when you are buying the bottles you pick the one with slow flow nipple.
I hope this small list was helpful.
Thank you for reading!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
I AM BACK!!! .... and PREGNANT.
I am back at this blogging business! I must admit that I was totally inspired by another blogger named Anna Saccone. I truly enjoy watching all of her videos and reading her blogs. I can truly relate to her since I am also recently married (2 years and 6 months) and expecting my first baby. I can only hope to be as successful as her! I decided to start blogging again because it will keep me occupied and entertained as I wait for my little bunny to arrive.
My favorite pregnant picture from 3 weeks ago.
Week number in this picture? 26
Weight? 122lbs
Gender? BOY
Symptoms: I have a lot more energy than I did at the begging of my pregnancy. I do find myself going to the restroom every 20 min which is extremely annoying and time consuming. I always feel thirsty which definitely increases the times I have go to the patty. OTHER than the bathroom situation I am a very happy pregnant lady.
This is my belly at 6 months or 26 weeks
I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and weighting 128lbs.
I have gained exactly 9 pounds in the whole pregnancy which I am so far happy with since my doctor tells me this is perfectly fine and my baby is healthy. I am not going to lie, there is times I wonder if I am too little for 7 months and I probably are compare to other women but as long as my doctor tells me I doing fine I will believe her.
I have 3 full months to go before my baby boy gets here and I have millions of things to do!!!
In my to do list for the next few months are:
Move to another place,
buy, paint, and decorate the apartment,
finish my second to last semester at school,
throw a baby shower, and

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
You might not see it… but it’s there !!
Let’s attack the problem !!!
Since I am 15 years old, I have cellulite in my legs and butt. At the begging it wasn’t that bad but with the years it kept getting worse. Now being 22 I can say that I am extremely unhappy with how my body looks and I need to do something to change it. I weigh 110 pounds and that’s the most I weighted my whole life, I am not complaining I actually think its normal for my age (or so I think). But cellulite has nothing to do with your weigh or even age and most of us do not know what to do about it.
I have to admit, I really do not like working out. Although when I was younger I used to go to dance classes and even compete around the country, (Argentina that is) once I moved to the United States I stopped being so focused and it took me a while to find I really liked to do. As a sophomore I started swimming for my high school team and I really enjoyed it. I used to practice 3 hours per day when we were on season however, once I graduated high school I stopped doing sports and I haven’t found anything that would help me stay motivated enough to continue working out.
Anyways, all those excuses need to stop now and I decided to put my problem out there for all of you girls that like me face the same problem and especially for myself since now my frustration is public, I am obligated to do anything to accomplish what I need and honestly just feel better about myself.
Oh and I almost forgot, I have 20 days to try my hardest to have my butt and legs beach ready since I am going on vacation to Mexico.
I am going to start with a few tips I found online and I will try them and hopefully they will work. All of us would love to find something that would give us results over night but there is no such thing. Even if we try laser and surgery it would take a few sessions to see results and it wont last forever.
SO with that said we have to try the stuff that do work!!
1. Make changes in your diet to reduce cellulite. A cellulite diet consists of reducing fat, sugar and calorie intake and focusing on foods that contain anti cellulite ingredients, packed with anti-oxidant power such as:
*Bran and Oat Cereal are an excellent source of energy, high in fiber and antioxidants
*Citrus Fruits
*Oily Fish:Salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, herrings, mackerel and bass
*Pears, Pineapple, and Watermelon.
2. Help get rid of cellulite by taking your vitamins. Add the following vitamins to your diet to help:

Gamma linoleic acid: Helps burn more calories
Potassium : Helps combat fluid retention
Iodine: Helps stimulate a slow metabolism
Lycopene: A vital antioxidant
Magnesium: Helps fight stress and is associated with weight management
Selenium: Improves the action of vitamins C & E and beta carotene
Sulphur : Reduces free-radical damage
Vitamin B6: Excellent fluid fighter
Vitamin C: Powerful detoxifier and helps strengthen skin
Vitamin E: Improves circulation and is essential for healthy skin
Essential Fatty Acids. Take a fish oil or flaxseed supplement which can improve skin texture and tone within 2 months of use.
3. Try body brushing to reduce cellulite. Buy a bristle body brush and use it everyday before you shower. Begin at your feet and make deep, long strokes towards your heart, with extra focus on the problem areas. This exfoliates and improves circulation, which helps with the appearance of cellulite.
I try something new every day... today I did yoga for beginners for about 30 minutes and I stretch every muscle of my body. It was great :)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Meet Mark
Hey guys! so a few weeks ago I signed up to be a rep for meetmark.com and I was so excited to get their starter kip && Ii finally did !!!!! :) I am excited to show you everything I got, I also used all of the products and I like it a lot.... pictures coming soon!
This kit is only $9.99
The ultimate two-sided palette, featuring nine shades for eyes and nine shades for lips!
Super flip - color kit
hook up mascara & hook up lip gloss
custom color palette
Get a tint- tinted moisturizer lotion
Although I am loving all the products I still don't have my rep number so I haven't been able to set up my Eboutique. BUT IT IS COMING SOON :)
Oh & I was contacted by Avon so I could also start working with them... so that is also coming soon :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tom lovin'
I love the campaign behind Tom's
One for One
So I decided to blog about it.. they are definitely in right now but it is a good reminder that when you buy one, you are helping someone in a other country that has nothing to wear.
&& they are Argentineans so I have even more love for them :)
Monday, July 25, 2011
A day in San Francisco
our roommate Ed!
My hubby <3
I need to fix my hair asap! btw I will be doing a video on it soon,
on how I dye my hair and all the steps :)
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